“Aprovecha vos que si eres Americano, tienes las puertas abiertas no como nosotros los indocumentados” is what my dad said to me in a one on one conversation. This translates that I should take advantage of the opportunities that are available tome unlike the undocumented people. This is deep, in the way which he includes himself in the group of undocumented people but that hasn’t stopped at all. He is doing well economically, but in the sense of family and a relationship with family there is not a direct connection. Our family is divided because my dad and I live in the USA, but my sister and my mom live in Ecuador.

The way deportation affects people is not something that shouldn’t be looked at, it affects people in many ways and the authorities should look at that before going a step further with procedures. Deportation is the cause of the separation between families and in a way it seems inhumane. This is something that I experienced firsthand with both of my parents. I was in the fourth grade and my sister was in first grade, and for personal reasons my parents decided that we should go live in Ecuador, so that is what we ended up doing, we lived in Ecuador for two years. After those two years my parents saw many differences between USA and Ecuador so they decided that they would try to go back to USA. They didn’t have papers but me and my sister did, so we came back to USA “legally”, but both my parents had to cross the border. Immigration caught both of them so they were sent to an immigration detention center where they had to fight for the chance to stay in the USA legally, my dad’s case lasted three months and he was able to stay but my mom’s case lasted one year and eight days but she was deported. This of course happened a long time ago but ever since my family has been split up, my mom lives with my sister in Ecuador and my dad and I live here.

Deportation has been a major problem in the past, but it seems that it is affecting more people now than it did the past. Illegal immigration has always been a thing and not only in the United States but in many other countries as well. It just now seems that immigration is happening more on the united states because of news and media that make the people believe that it mostly happens in the US. In Ecuador there are many people from Venezuela that are now living in there and like the case of Ecuador there are many other countries that are going through the same thing.

            If for the most part all countries are going through immigration why is deportation such a big issue in the United States? It seems to be that in a nutshell the problem is the quantity. The United States are getting more undocumented people in this country than most other countries. This is the reason I believe that the US believes that deportation is the solution to this problem, and I could be to a certain extent. Not everything is going to get fixed if deportation starts occurring, so that is why I would consider deportation a major problem.

As it can be seen throughout many people, this hasn’t only happened to me, there are several thousands of people that go through the same thing. I believe that deportation is wrong because the people who get deported are good people. They are in this country either for better opportunities or to fulfill a dream of theirs or jus to be able to help their loved ones. I asked my mom why she came to this country in the first place and she said that my grandparents had a debt that they couldn’t pay back and so for that reason my mom and my aunt came to this country to get the money.
            If authorities think outside the box for a second, they will realize that deportation shouldn’t be an option because since so many undocumented people come to work it can benefit the economy of the USA. They are not taking anything away from nobody for the most part and when deported these people suffer a lot, some even end     up dead.

This is the case of a young man named Jimmy Aldaoud when he was deported back to Iraq. As the author of this reading describes it, he hasn’t been there before so to him this place was foreign.  He was killed once he got there and the author appeals to emotion to mention his niece and that he wasn’t able to see her. This is a way to show the reader that some people are not given the chance to accomplish a goal they have because they are sent home. Once a person gets used to the lifestyle, it become a challenge to get rid of it and in most cases that happens when you change from one country to the next. This are in a nutshell the reasons why deportation can cause many negative things on individuals and on their families



            Like it is mentioned deportation is major problem that many undocumented people are facing and for the sake of them and for the sake of this country’s economy that would be a very bad idea. It is true that there are many undocumented immigrants and that not all of them have a positive impact in this country, but the authorities should not base their decisions relying on the behavior of some people. The people who are victim to acts such as deportation suffer a lot because they, for the most part come over with good intentions such as accomplishing a dream or helping out loved ones. I believe that authorities should take these reasons into account before going in when making decisions about a big matter such as deportation.

The authorities should also have in perspective all the things these people will go through if they do get deported, they for sure know that it is going to be a big change and not specifically in a positive way. Their income might not be the same, the environment for sure will change and even the people they hang out with are different. Some people find it harder to deal with these types of changes so just for those people they have to consider before further action. Deportation is not an easy topic and authorities must put all view points into account for decisions in this magnitude.