The producer of the song “Corrido de Juanito” uses certain techniques to appeal to emotions of people and get his point on deportation across. The song itself is not only relied on deportation but on the lifestyle undocumented immigrants face while in here. Deportation has been a major problem in the United States for many years, but due to social media and technology it is more noticeable nowadays. Before it still happened but not at a scale it is nowadays, and the people nowadays know about it because technology has made it easier for people to be up to date. However, it is not only necessary to know the problem in a general way, the problem needs to be analyzed. Many people know what is happening, but they decide to ignore the problem, and that is the case of most people. Ignoring the problem is not going to bring a solution any time soon.
The fact that deportation is happening nowadays on a large scale is very scary and unjust, however the society in a way has fault in it because when there is a union of people and they go against a certain policy there is very little the government can do from that position. When there is a government election people can always vote for the one they believe is the more beneficial for them but some people don’t even care who is going to be the representative and they just completely ignore this fact. Not ignoring these things can make a difference in any situation the country is going through, not only deportation. If people knew in great detail what is actually happening to undocumented immigrants, they would probably do something about it.
It is important to know the lifestyle that these people have in a foreign country. For some people it seems like it is people from another place of the world that come into this country to take the jobs and the opportunities from the Americans, and that can be true to a certain extent. For the most part most, undocumented immigrants make a huge sacrifice in order to come to this country “illegally”, some more than others but coming into this country in the search of a better opportunity is not the easiest thing to do. These people leave behind family members in their native country, some go into debt to pay for the trip in order to get here, and the trip is not the nicest one. There are way too many dangers along the way that can jeopardize the existence of some people. Now once they arrive in the country, it is hard for them because they don’t know where they are, some don’t even speak the language and even worse they have no idea of where to start.
Finding a job that pays well in the country when you are undocumented is very difficult, and on top of having very hard jobs that pay very little, there is other things that these people have to face. These people have to pay of debts, they have to pay rent, food, and most help out their family in their country. If the people that are against undocumented immigrants being able to stay in this country knew what these people had to go through in order to reach the position in which they currently are, their minds might probably change, and seeing things from a different point of view helps. If there was a decent amount of people that knew the things undocumented people went through, there could be a change in the country. They would decide a better representative for the country.
Once these people find a way to get their way around this country it seems like they want to stay here. That is true to a certain extent, those who have dependents that were born in this country don’t want to leave because they are aware of all the opportunities their kids loose once leaving the country. Being away from their country for so long also makes them want to stay, and the same lifestyle they have in here is not going to be in their country. They are basically new to their own country if they were to get deported, but regardless of that, they have families in the USA.
There have been many cases like that in which people come over to the country after making a big sacrifice and then start to hustle in order to make ends meet. Somewhere along their life, they meet up with someone and then they make a family. These people have made their lifestyle and they forget about their native country. And after being able to adapt to this new country, being deported seems unfair especially if you have a clean record. There are people that pay taxes, that are all clean and has never had issues with the law, yet they still somehow get deported, and the fact that this is being ignored is not good. There are many social media things that tell us about this issue in order to get us to understand the immigrant from their point of view.
There is this song called “Corrido de Juanito” by Calibre 50 that explains the hardships undocumented people go through. The song is in Spanish, but it does a well job explaining what these people go through from family members dying in their native country, to them being afraid of the trucks from ICE, and the long hour shifts as well as the little payment they receive. The song also uses a dim lighting for which makes the mood of the whole song a bit sentimental. This is all true because there have been many cases of people that are undocumented in this country that goes trough what the song is saying. The main purpose of the song is to tell the story of the undocumented immigrant in the country, and if everybody understood the song, I believe that the song would have a much more powerful impact on the listeners. The song, since it is informing the audience about the hardships of the immigrants it is raising awareness. But there are those who don’t understand the message it is trying to leave; they seem to take it the wrong way.
For the most part everyone seems to understand the main message but it is not only the song that makes a point, there are a few readings that also inform the reader which shows how understanding the life of these people can eventually make some Americans change their minds om the deportation subject. There is a reading in the History website “The U.S Deported a Million of its Own Citizens to Mexico During the Great Depression” that brings awareness that deportation is not something new. Deportation has been going for many years, but it is becoming noticeable nowadays due to media, and technology. The reading goes to say that this already existed in the times of the great depression and the us deported one million of its own people to Mexico. The numbers that the reading used is impactful and it makes things a lot more believable because it gives a quantity. They deported patients from hospitals that had Mexican decent. This is important to know because it shows that this hasn’t been a recent issue. If all people knew this, there is a better chance that things could change. While this might not seem like a big deal, it kind of is to those who have personally dealt with this to any level. It shows the injustices that have been made way before now, and it shows the importance of everyone knowing now, because when this massive deportation happened back then, there were not many people that were familiar with it. Nowadays everybody can know what goes on in the world, and since we are aware of it the situation is already not as bad, but there is more we can do in order to make the situation even better. We can make better decisions when it comes to voting for our representatives when we are given the chance.
There are other readings that basically discuss this same issue but the thing that is most important to realize is that nothing can happen when we ignore a problem, or when you support those are supporting the problem. In order for change to happen, there must be a big group of people that are willing to face the consequences. Those who stand up for what feels right are the ones that are actually evoking some sort of change but there are a few people that are not okay with what is going on and they decide to leave things the way they are. There are the type of people that must unite with the action takers in order to change a specific problem.
In “Mexican New Yorkers Are Steady Force in Workplace” by The New York Times, they are focusing on the unjust treating of “Mexicans” in this particular case, despite all of their work being used to grow the economy of the state or the country. This appeals to emotion, or so the author is trying to because he goes over the injustices these people go through despite all the good things they do. These cases resonate a lot more with me because it is giving proof that there is a mistreat towards these hard-working people. As the article says it is very difficult to get somewhere without these people working. These people have families to provide for and they don’t have it easy because they work six days a week and work for long hours, and in some cases, they have two jobs. If people knew about this, they might have a different view of the situation that is currently going on. They will understand undocumented immigrants and there is always going to be people that despite knowing all this won’t care, but if there is enough people that know what really goes on there can be change in the future.
For the most part all of the readings that have been included in the paper are to get people to realize that avoiding the problem can never be the solution. Been upset of something can’t fix anything either, but knowing and deciding not to do anything is about it is the worst option one can opt for. The best solution is to join in with all the people that are taking action in order for something somebody is against of can stop like this case of deportation.
There was a reading in which not only were people were deported from this country back to their own country, but those that came into this country in search for asylum were denied of it. In a way it does make sense but things shouldn’t just be black and white, but a study of everyone’s case should be done first before making any decision. In this case patrol agents were illegally deporting Mexicans and denying them asylum despite them already being in US soil. There is a big difference in denying asylum to newcomers, but when someone has already lived in the US for a while, he or she has the right to seek for asylum, and them being denied it is a wrong move. It is wrong that the US is not giving asylum to those who need it, but it is also understandable because there is already to many people in the country and they might not have the resources to give asylum to everyone. With people knowing what goes on in certain places can help out a lot in the future to make the situation much better because they see this as an issue and with the next representative of the state or the country, they can find a way to fix this problem.